cartoon of volunteer driver with red cape

Robin and Karen discuss Tri-CAP’s Volunteer Driver program with Program Manager, Tami Seelen

Robin Riley, Tami Seelen and Karen Onan discuss the Volunteer Driving program in the Tri-CAP area which includes Mille Lacs County. Volunteer Drivers in Mille Lacs County are Desperately Needed! Contact Tri-CAP for more information about driving in Mille Lacs County: OR you can go to and find the Volunteer Driver link to […]

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No Car? No Problem!

Many of you would agree that not having a car is fine, you’ve found alternative ways to get around. To some of us, not being able to drive a car wherever we want, whenever we want is unconceivable. For the majority of us, it is inevitable that we will become car-less someday. WE are aging, […]

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Upcoming Events in our East Central Communities!

Michelle and Karen will be traveling around the region, sharing information, asking questions about available transportation. We’d love for you to stop by, say, “Hi”! and chat with us! ECRTCC Traveling Dates: Tuesday, August 23, 2022   –    Operation Community Connect. Onamia, Mille Lacs County Thursday, August 25, 2022  –   Operation Community […]

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Let me Introduce you to Tim Schmutzer, Executive Director of PHASE/Industries

Our interview today is with Tim Schmutzer, Executive Director of PHASE-Industries and Chair of the East Central Regional Transportation Coordinating Council. PHASE-Industries is a Day Training and Habilitation community organization with this Mission: “PHASE-Industries empowers Program Participants to Live, Work and Thrive through the discovery and development of their individual abilities.” Of course, a part […]

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