Please tune in to hear what you may have missed! Robin and Karen will talk about what content we’ve covered, who we’ve interviewed so far, and where you can find further information. Here’s a friendly little review for you!

RECAP of Robin and Karen’s Transportation Interviews
Posted in Radio Interviews, Uncategorized and tagged Airport, Arrowhead Transit, bus, bus driver, car, Chisago County, DAV, destination, drive, drivers needed, DTH, Duluth travel, east central MN, employment, forum, Groome Airport Transportation, Isanti County, Jefferson Lines, job, Kanabec County, Lyft, Mille Lacs County, MnDOT, NLX. Northern Lights Express, passengers, Pine County, public comment, Ride Sharing, Timber Trails Transit, training, transportation, Tri-CAP Transportation, Veteran Services, volunteer drivers, waivers.