survey illustration

Public Transit Survey, If You Please?

Every five years, MnDOT (Minnesota Department of Transportation) has required those of us in transportation planning, to develop updates for our Local Human Service Public Transit Coordination Plan. These plans are coordinated for each region of the state. Our region includes Pine, Chisago, Isanti, Mille Lacs, and Kanabec Counties. The 2017 Plan gave insight to […]

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Friday Morning Radio – Transportation

Well, it’s finally time to hear our very own Tom Gottfried on the radio! Please tune in at 8:40am this Friday (9/24) to KBEK 95.5fm or click on this link here: Hear our favorite celebrity broadcaster, Robin Reilly interview Tom as Tom, Robin and Karen discuss MnDOT, MCOTA, RTCCs, and all to do with […]

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