Senator Tina Smith’s Outreach Directors lead Listening Session

East Central Regional Development Commission hosts Listening Session with Senator Tina Smith’s Outreach Directors, Orion DiFranco (MN Regional) and Jack Smyth (Housing, Banking and Transportation). This was an in-person and virtual meeting opened up to address needed policy changes for rural transit providers and customers. Rural Transit One-Pager Updated 119th (002) In-Person (L-R): Jessica Peterson […]

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Share your input on transit in Greater Minnesota!

MnDOT is working on a transit plan for Greater Minnesota and is requesting input to better understand public transit needs. Your input will help shape recommendations and policies to better serve your community. To fill out a survey, share ideas, or join an Advisory Task Force, please visit:

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Person assisting another into vehicle

Do You Like to Drive?

                    Click on the image to link to the Volunteer Driver page on our website! Sign up to drive when and where you wish – it’s totally up to you.

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